The Austin Police Department (APD) recommends that if there is a problem or an offense “in progress,” call 911 and make a complaint. It may help to have this complaint followed through by requesting an officer to come and speak with you.
Residents should call 9-1-1 only for police, fire or medical emergencies. When calling 9-1-1, stay on the line and try to remain calm with your information ready. For all other calls or complaints 311 is the number for something which has already occurred and is not an emergency. If you are calling to file a police report, it can be made by calling Teleserve at 3-1-1. If you are calling from an area code other than (512) the number to 3-1-1 is 512-974-2000. To contact a specific police employee or unit call 512-974-5000.
More information on the Police Department may be found on the City of Austin website.